Quynh Thi Pham
Quynh Thi Pham
Quynh Thi Pham

Quynh Thi Pham, OTS

Student of Occupational Therapy, USC

Student of Occupational Therapy, USC

Quynh Thi Pham is a student of Occupational Therapy at the University of Southern California. She was inspired to become an Occupational Therapist by her sister, who is a fierce advocate of self-determination for seniors and people with disabilities.

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GEt started for free

Better care starts with Clara.

Find, hire, and pay top-notch caregivers without the headache for a price that fits your budget.

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GEt started for free

Better care starts with Clara.

Find, hire, and pay top-notch caregivers without the headache for a price that fits your budget.

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